
When I started this environment, I had a very simple goal in mind: To create a near future city representing a place I'd like to live in. Like, if I could pick a place and a time what would it be? I'm a sucker for early evening lighting and overcast days so I took a long time to try to nail this mood. In the end this city turned out to be a mix of two of my favorite cities in the world, Sao Paulo and Tokyo.

I feel really at home in large sprawling cities and those two represent two different extremities of the same pendulum. On one side, Sao Paulo is pure chaos thanks to its sheer size coupled with centuries of bad management and neglect. On the other, Tokyo boasts one of the best HDI even though it's the biggest metropolitan area in the world. In the end, I think this project serves a bit to show the inhabitants of Sao Paulo what the city could be, given different circunstances.

This project was featured on the brazilian version of VICE/Motherboard.

I also wrote a making of.